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The 11 LinkedIn Privacy Settings You NEED to Know and Manage

LinkedIn gives you much control over who can see your information. Especially in an era when there appears to be very little privacy, particularly online, LinkedIn's emphasis on privacy is quite valuable. However, many people are unaware that they can proactively manage this or their LinkedIn privacy settings options.

For example, you can use LinkedIn privacy settings to reduce the number of sales pitches you receive. Despite LinkedIn's privacy policies and limitations on data use for marketing, this is still very useful. With that in mind, let's look at the available options and how to use them.

1. Your LinkedIn Privacy Settings

Your account options are centralized, as with other social media networks. There are numerous options available and two ways to access your settings. If you aren't already on LinkedIn, enter the URL: https://www.linkedin.com/psettings/. If you haven't already, you'll need to sign in before you can change the settings.

To access your profile directly, click on your image in the upper right corner of the homepage. Then click on "settings and privacy."

It will redirect you to the same page I mentioned before. No matter how you reach the page, you'll see that some of LinkedIn's privacy options differ from what you're used to.

The Most Relevant LinkedIn Privacy Preferences

You can currently manage more than 70 options in your LinkedIn privacy settings. Some are more crucial than others. It would help if you proactively managed these because they significantly impact account security and overall visibility on the platform. These will be discussed in the order they appear on the menu within LinkedIn privacy settings, with the exact location indicated in parentheses after the item for your convenience.

2. Contact Syncing Options

If you sync your contacts with LinkedIn, the website will notify you when people in your network either join or are already on the social networking site. Besides, this option helps expand your LinkedIn network, which is especially helpful given the messaging restrictions on LinkedIn. The URL is https://www.linkedin.com/mynetwork/settings/manage-syncing/?trk=psettings manage contacts preferences.